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Start 2025 glowing from the inside out—transform your daily ritual with By Beth Collagen today.

Start 2025 glowing from the inside out—transform your daily ritual with By Beth Collagen today.

Start 2025 glowing from the inside out—transform your daily ritual with By Beth Collagen today.

Start 2025 glowing from the inside out—transform your daily ritual with By Beth Collagen today.

Start 2025 glowing from the inside out—transform your daily ritual with By Beth Collagen today.

Start 2025 glowing from the inside out—transform your daily ritual with By Beth Collagen today.

Start 2025 glowing from the inside out—transform your daily ritual with By Beth Collagen today.

Start 2025 glowing from the inside out—transform your daily ritual with By Beth Collagen today.

Start 2025 glowing from the inside out—transform your daily ritual with By Beth Collagen today.

Start 2025 glowing from the inside out—transform your daily ritual with By Beth Collagen today.

Start 2025 glowing from the inside out—transform your daily ritual with By Beth Collagen today.

Start 2025 glowing from the inside out—transform your daily ritual with By Beth Collagen today.

Start 2025 glowing from the inside out—transform your daily ritual with By Beth Collagen today.



The last few months have been a challenging time, with three of our major cities in lockdown. The routines and rhythms of everyday life have been thrown into a state of disarray as we collectively adjust to this new normal, learning to strike work-life balance within the home and support the emotional needs of ourselves and those around us. Below, our founder Beth Levis shares her experience of lockdown: the delight to be found in daily ritual, the need to multitask when homeschooling and running a business, and the unexpected silver linings to be found along the way.

Can you talk us through your lockdown beauty routine?
I’ve always been very simple and pared-back when it comes to beauty. I cleanse, use a serum or oil, and then moisturise. I have a little more time in the morning now as I’m not making school lunch boxes and sitting in peak hour traffic to get my children to school and myself to the office, so I use the Dr. Dennis Gross Spectralite Faceware Pro in the morning as well as at night. Sometimes I’ll do a mask or facial massage. I always finish my morning routine with sunscreen so I can go for walks during the day. However, my overall approach is natural and holistic. I’m a big believer in nurturing beauty from within and providing the body with the building blocks it needs at a cellular level, hence why I’m such a fan of collagen! I’ll do light exercise daily, have a green juice with collagen and a warm paleo breakfast (a treat for me as I’m normally on the run).

How has collagen supported your wellbeing during lockdown?
I’ve loved the daily ritual of taking By Beth collagen. It helps to create a sense of routine and rhythm, and taking control of your health and wellbeing is powerful in this uncertain time. Bovine collagen is clinically proven to increase hydration and moisture in the skin, so this has been especially fantastic throughout winter. It gives a glow and the ripple effect of that is the mental side effect of feeling good.

What else have you been doing to stay healthy and happy?
I’ve been going on daily park trips with the kids and doing the step challenge with my daughters; competing with them to see who can get the biggest steps. I’ve also been connecting with family and friends. Normally our lives are so insanely busy- Justin and I both travel a lot for work and we are often home from the office at different times. COVID forces us to press the pause button! We are actually able to have family dinners now. Sounds crazy I know but normally the kids all have action packed afternoons that finish at different times so dinner time during the week is normally on rotation as sometimes their activities don’t finish until 8:30pm! Our dinners now are no-devices and everyone at the table is talking and discussing all things relevant to them. It’s these benefits of connection that are the silver lining to lockdown.

How have you balanced family life and running a business during lockdown?
I’m incredibly proud of the kids for stepping up to the challenge and handling their school work impressively independently. I’ve been multitasking and working in between during homeschool lessons. I can answer an email while also physically helping my daughter with maths. The kids laugh all the time about it but I can literally keep typing my email while discussing something else with them. It’s the only way, otherwise I would be up until midnight. It’s really important to me to keep family-time sacred which means my work still needs to fit into my work day. I need to take the children to the park after school for their own mental wellbeing, then when we come home we cook dinner together, have family meal time and even have enough time to snuggle on the couch watching a family movie. This is usually a treat saved for holidays but instead we get it seven-days a week … but it requires me to multitask to the extreme!

It's easy to focus on the negatives of lockdown, but have you picked up any new positive habits?
It’s a time to reflect and prioritise on what’s important. A time to re-focus on ourselves, our health and our mental wellbeing. I have moments of doubt like everyone, but I find a walk in the sun, a cuddle with the kids and a dive in the ocean to be therapeutic. Never underestimate the power of simply thinking positively! There are many studies done on the psychology behind this and how it directly impacts our overall mental wellbeing. Love oneself, support each other and think glass half full (not half empty).


Photography by Taylor Kezia


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